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Volunteers needed to help with unpaid carers group in Settle

A group for unpaid carers which meets once a month in Settle is looking for more volunteers to help it continue.

Carers’ Resource, a local charity supporting unpaid carers who look after family members or friends, organises the group but needs the assistance of one or two volunteers.

The group in Settle meets on the second Monday of each month at the Golden Lion for lunch and a catch-up.

Debi Hawkins, locality worker for Carers’ Resource, covers the North Craven area and co-ordinates the lunch group.

Debi said: “The volunteer group hosts are a vital part of the carers’ lunch. They contact group members in advance of the lunch to remind them of the date, and to check numbers. They meet and greet the attendees at the lunches and then feedback information to me as to how many attended and if anyone needs some follow-up.

“As an added bonus, as we meet in a pub, there is no food preparation or shopping to be done!

“Our existing volunteer initially just stepped in as temporary cover and she has done a fantastic job of keeping the group going pre and post Covid. However, she would like to step back now.

“Ideally we would like to recruit two volunteers to support the group, and each other, to cover for holidays and any absences. This role would suit anyone who enjoys being social and supporting others.”

Carers’ Resource offers DBS, induction and support to volunteers, in addition to travel and meal expenses.  If you are interested and would like to know more, then please contact Debi on 07522 226334 or email dhawkins@carersresource.org

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