Richmond residents and traders are being invited to help develop ideas to put forward for a new government-led grant scheme.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) contains an element designed to support town centres, markets and retailers as part of the Levelling Up agenda.
Richmondshire District Council is joining forces with Richmond Town Council and the Original Richmond Business and Tourism Association to gather views and ideas at a public meeting next week. They are looking for suggestions on what elements could be included in an application to the fund.
“We have some initial ideas, however, we would love to hear from the town’s business owners, traders, community groups and other interested parties as you may have other, better suggestions,” said Richmondshire District Council Corporate Director, Callum McKeon.
“The funding is available now and it's looking for quality, interesting and exciting applications. It may well be competitive depending on the number and size of applications, so we need local people to help us make the application inclusive and relevant to them and their town - Richmond.”
The meeting is at Richmond Town Hall at 6pm on Wednesday 18 January.
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