Residents are being asked to share their views on the new layout of The Bailey/A65 junction in Skipton to address safety concerns.
In April, North Yorkshire County Council’s highways team removed the right turn from the A65 Skipton bypass into The Bailey in an effort to improve the operation and safety of the road.
“The temporary order was first implemented during the lockdown period when road usage was very low,” said County Councillor Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Access. “As the traffic flow has increased we are consulting with the public for their comments and suggestions on the improvements.”
The new layout means only vehicles exiting The Bailey junction are able to wait in the central reservation, removing the potential for confusion with other vehicles waiting to make a turn.
Drivers wanting to turn right need to travel to the A59/A65 Skibeden roundabout 1km east and back along the A65 to make a left turn into The Bailey.
Cllr Mackenzie added: “We have listened to residents who aired concerns about safety at the junction and since the order was implemented we have seen a significant improvement. By prohibiting the right turn from the A65, it removes the potential for confusion in the central reservation.”
The deadline for comments is Saturday, October 31. Please email your comments to H&Tschemeconsultation@northyorks.gov.uk