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Settle Pool in a spin

Spinathon: left to right Jo Ward, Anita Eccleston, Kate Dinsdale

Settle Area Swimming Pool is joining forces with near neighbours Freda’s Nursery in a 12-hour fund-raising marathon that will see three hardy cyclists pedalling static cycles round the clock on Saturday 18th March.

The Spinathon, which runs from 5am to 5pm, takes place in the pool’s fitSpace centre which was opened last autumn as part of the year-long redevelopment of the fifty-year-old pool.

The money raised will go towards the rebuilding programme for the nursery and help with the pool’s continuing need for funding.

The three cyclists are: local mum Jo Ward, nursery worker Anita Eccleston and former pool worker Kate Dinsdale.

The event is being sponsored by Kings Mill Garage and a justgiving page has been set up at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/sasp-spinathon-2023.

Supporters who want to back the spinathon trio in a more visible way can spin alongside the three in one hour time slots in return for a minimum sponsorship of £20 and organisations can show their support by sponsoring a bike at £100 a time: these sponsors will have the opportunity to have their logos displayed on the bikes.

Cyclist Jo Ward said:  “Growing up in the Settle area, I know the importance of community spirit. Having been involved in a number of charity events in the past and having personal ties to both Freda’s and Settle Swimming Pool I thought this would be a great opportunity to raise funds for two important organisations in the local community. Though it has been a few years since my last charity event, less gym hours and a baby later! I am hoping that my experience from two previous 12-hour spinathons will help me through this one!”

Anita Eccleston added: “I have worked at Freda’s for nearly eight years. We are keen to get plans moving ahead for the rebuild and I thought this would be a great opportunity to contribute to our goal of reaching £200,000. Pedalling for 12 hours will be hard, but it’s all going to a good cause.”

Kate Dinsdale said:  “Having worked at the pool years ago, as well as offer hydrotherapy sessions through the local GP, I understand the benefits the pool has for all ages. I am always happy to help in any which way I can to support local organisations such as Freda’s and Settle Swimming Pool that give so much back to the local community. I can’t say I am looking forward to 12 hours of spinning, but having been dragged into doing this by my good friend Jo, I don’t think I have much choice!”

Supporters are also welcome on the day when the pool café will be open.

Sign-up forms are available at the pool or through the pool website.

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