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New book celebrates Flowerpot Festival

Settle entertainer and artist Mike Harding has just released a new book about the Settle Flowerpot festival

As the team readies Settle for the annual Flowerpot Festival, local artist and Broadcaster, Mike Harding has just released a new book which celebrates the festival. Mike inspired the book and has taken many of the photographs.

On Saturday Mike was signing copies at The Watershed Mill in Langcliffe.

The team of volunteers is currently busy getting all the displays out around Settle. There are lots of new ones and all the old favourites, many of which are immortalised in this great new 64-page book. There is even on of Mike himself.

You can pick up a copy on the website settleflowerpotfestival.co.uk or from retailers around the town now.

The festival runs from 13th July to the 1st September.

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