Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) has received a £375,000 boost thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021 21:50
Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) has received a £375,000 boost thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
A meeting to discuss controversial home-to-school transport changes was halted today (MONDAY) amid claims from angry parents and Councillors of a “cover-up” by council bosses.
Lewis, 58, from Goole, pleaded guilty to shoplifting, dangerous driving and driving while disqualified and without insurance.
A Yorkshire Dales pub landlord has accused national park planners of pettiness after they threatened legal action over decking he installed during lockdown.
The Dales is in the grips of the worst storm in what some say is decades, with winds already reported to have exceeded 100mph at Tan Hill.
Repairs to a key route in North Yorkshire, which has been closed following a landslip, have been completed ahead of schedule.
The popular Saturday bus service between Skipton and Harrogate will be running again from this weekend, following the reopening of the A59 at Kex Gill.
Police warn that Toyota Hilux pickup trucks are being particularly targeted by thieves.
Skipton BID and Visit North Yorkshire are joining forces to host a network meeting for businesses at the Skipton Town Hall in February
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