Walker doing the Three Peaks needed help from the Cave Rescue Organisation at the weekend.
Three walkers reported themselves lost in thick mist, heavy rain and strong wind while attempting to walk the Three Peaks. Contacting the team, North Yorkshire Police were able to provide a grid reference which placed the trio on Simon Fell, to the NE of Ingleborough. Having called out team members to go to Chapel le Dale, the Duty Controller was able to speak to the group and give directions to begin their descent towards Chapel le Dale. Whilst most members stood-by at the road-head, a small group took CRO4, up to High Lot to meet the walkers and return them to their car at Chapel le Dale.
In talking to the group it transpired that they had walked from Chapel-le-Dale, over Ingleborough to Pen y Ghent before climbing back over Simon Fell, believing it to be Whernside (see photos for an approximation).
To help you enjoy the outdoors we would encourage you to check if you would #BeAdventureSmart. Ask yourself:
– Do I have the right GEAR?
– Do I know what the WEATHER will be like?
– Am I confident I have the KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS for the day?
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