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Is your knife illegal to possess even in your home?

Very soon you will not be able to possess certain knives and weapons anywhere, even at home. These include flick knifes, zombie knives, curved swords, batons and knuckle dusters.

This change has been brought about by the Government’s Offensive Weapons Act designed to increase public safety by reducing knife crime.

Possession and ownership of such weapons under any circumstances is prohibited under the new legislation.

The Government is currently operating a surrender scheme which allows owners to claim compensation if the total value of the claim is more than £30.

Claims must be submitted to the police with a completed form.  The surrender and compensation scheme ends on 9 March 2021.

For more information and a full list of weapons, please go to Offensive Weapons Act surrender and compensation scheme – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

***Covid-19 restrictions: If you need to surrender a knife or a weapon, you can still attend the police station in person provided an appointment has been arranged. Please ensure you follow all Covid-safe measure including wearing a face covering when attending***

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