Don’t let the Grinch steal your Christmas this year. To avoid becoming a victim of crime this winter, follow our top tips below
Keep all windows closed and doors locked, even if you're only in the garden and always check before going to bed.
Keep curtains and blinds closed at night and make sure any Christmas presents are kept out of sight.
Always remove your keys from the locks and out of sight of windows and letter boxes.
Try not to post on social media that you’re away or on holiday – don’t advertise an empty home!
If you have a keyless car, keep your keys as far away from your car as possible – preferably in a faraday bag to stop thieves using a relay device.
Always use good quality padlocks with covers on all outbuildings so they cannot be easily cut off.
Make sure side gates/sheds/garages are locked and keep boundary fences, walls, and gates in good repair.
Install security lighting and / or CCTV cameras around your property where possible; they are a great deterrent.
Always lock your car and don’t leave things like shopping bags on display.
Never leave your engine running, especially in frosty weather, car thieves know that people do this and your insurance will not pay out.
Always report any suspicious activity of concern in your area, this can be done easily online and helps us to target our patrols.
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