Next: Monday, 24 March 2025
Runs until Monday, 19 May 2025 (See all dates)
Improve your communication with this friendly welcoming group in Skipton.
This new year why not make a resolution to improve your speaking skills, stimulate your mind and have fun too!
On alternate Mondays carven speakers club meet at the Soroptimist Rooms in Skipton at 6.45pm.
The first two evening are free or go along as audience.
Become a better speaker, enhance your communication skills and become a better leader.
For more info email: or call: 07494 335853
Dates are: 13th, 27th Jan, 10th 24th Feb, 10th 24th March, 7th April & 19th May.
Soroptimist Rooms
25 Otley Street
BD23 1EW
The event runs from 18:45 to 18:45 on the following dates.
Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.